Valentine's Day Special!! For the entire month of February receive %20 off ALL services!!
Pet Sitting
  • Visit (min.15 minutes, depends on number of animals, what needs to be done, etc.)- $15, $3 per additional dog, $2 per additional cat
  • Overnight Visit- $50, $3 per additional dog, $2 per additional cat
  • Horse/Cat/Dog Injury Care (Applying ointments and bandages, cold hosing/icing, leg wrapping, etc.)- $5-10 dollars per visit depending on individula situation.
  • Horse Care- $20 per visit, $5 per additional horse
  • Horse Riding/Exercising- $20 per session (45 min)
  • Charge for Same Day Service- $15
  • Charge for Buying Supplies- $15
  • Dog Walking- $7 for first dog, $2 per additional dog
  • Dog Bathing- $10 per dog
  • Travel Charge- $4 per day for locations further than 10 miles from our base location (zip code 89138)



  • 1 hr Session- $40
  • Each session is only $30 when you book 3 or more!


NEW!!! Grooming

**All grooming is done in your home/on your property, using your tub,hose,etc. (depending on your personal preference). Sorry, we only groom cats, dogs, and horses.**

  • Bath and Brushing- $7 per cat or dog, $15 per horse (includes mane and tail if requested as well as hoof picking)
  • Nail Trim (cats and dogs)- $5 per animal
  • Teeth Brushing (cats and dogs)- $3 per animal
  • Anal Gland Expression (dogs)- $5 per animal
  • Sheath Cleaning (horses)- $10 per animal
  • Ear Cleaning (cats and dogs)- $3 per animal
  • Grooming Packages- Dogs: $18 (includes: bath and brushing, nail trim, teeth brushing, anal gland expression, and ear cleaning) Cats: $13 (includes: bath and brushing, nail trim, teeth brushing, and ear cleaning) Horses: $20 (includes bath and brushing, mane and tail comb, hoof picking, and sheath cleaning)